Good literature incorporates goodness, humanity, patriotism, affection for parents, love and compassion for others and respect for elders. These are the characteristics to be possessed by children as they grow into elders forming a wonderful nation.
Our founder devamma, has authored around 30 books in the form of stories, dramas, ballet etc., with themes such as devotion for the nation, national integration, empathy for humanitarian values, concern for nature, real life happenings etc. For her efforts in the field of child literature, she was honoured with national level awards by renowned organisations like Sahitya Academy, NCERT, Sakhya Sahithi. She was very much conscious of the need for a good library.
Since all the services at Chetana revolve around education in one form or the other, it is but a natural consequence that building up a good library was one of the top priorities for Chetana, alongside building up the schools.
Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. Laura Bush
The library is a large room having a small stage with green rooms on either side and a mobile puppet theater in the front.
To make the environment in the library look interesting for the kids, the tops of the reading tables are designed in the shape of cross sections of fruits like mango, apple, guava, water melon, pumpkin etc. Chairs for kids are arranged around the tables.
The spacious library is segregated into two areas using book racks modeled in the shape of elephants and birds. The book racks hold story books for younger children.
On the other side of the rack is a space for kids of higher classes. Tables and chairs suitable for grown up kids, large cupboards with part seethrough glass doors, aligned along the walls and filled with books arranged by subjects can be found.
On the verandah, there are benches for sitting and browsing through newspapers. In the open space in front of the library, under trees, semi circular shaped masonry benches for seating kids and telling them stories are constructed.
Technological changes, especially in the current century are rapid and are influencing the way we accomplish many tasks. Electronic indexing of the library, digitisation of books, facilities for scanning and photo copying of books are some of the areas we consider important and require our attention.Being conscious of the fact that Internet has evolved as the primary resource for knowledge acquisition, we have started our efforts in facilitating browsing the internet in search of information for the staff and children at chetana. This would be a monitored facility (for the children) as we believe that they should not be allowed to get exposed to all the content on the internet especially the ones that are detrimental to them.
The weekly class schedule includes a library period, wherein the children get to spend their time in the library. The library is accessible to all children during their demarcated time and any other free time within the normal working hours.
Teachers can make use of the facility all throughout the day during normal working hours.
They made it possible
Mrs Tummala Prameela's Family
Mrs Tummala Prameela, a close friend of our founder Devamma, used to work as a librarian in the USA. Inspired by the services being rendered by Devamma by dedicating her life, she contemplated coming down to India after her retirement and working along with Devamma at Chetana.Unfortunately, within a month after her retirement, she succumbed to cancer. Taking it on themselves as a moral responsibility to honor her wish, her family, Professor Krishna Kumar (her spouse) and her children funded the cost of building up this library, deepthi, at Chetana.
Chetana and the umpteen number of children who make use of this facility would be indebted to Mrs Prameela and her family for enabling such a beautiful facility.
Funds - Sources/Usage
The following costs/expenses are incurred.Costs/Expenses
The revenue costs involved in running this entity include Monthly - salaries to staff, support staff, monthly subscription charges for newspapers, magazines etc., internet connectivity charges, electricity charges, building maintenance; Annual - annual subscription charges for journals, furniture repair and maintenance, building maintenance.Capital
Capital costs include expenditure incurred on buying books and equipment like printer, scanner and computer for e-library.
Sources of Funds
The funds for running this entity are pooled from internal sources.You can Help
The following would be some kinds of contributions one may make.

