People may come and go. Institutions are eternal.
Dr.N.Manga Devi and G.Prabhavathi, the founders of Chetana have dedicated their life to service sacrificing their personal lives. They strongly believed that children can be moulded to become noble citizens through good education. Thus they showed a great zeal to work for the child. Most of their efforts involved education, whether it be for a child or a youngster or an elder.Parent Organisation
Our founders have started Sree Venkateswara Bala Kuteer at brodipet in Guntur, with a single student in 1965 and in 1975, the syamala nagar branch was started. Bala kuteer grew into a good educational institution by their dedicated and committed efforts.
These schools shape children into full bloomed personalities with a human touch. We can find thousands of Balakuteerians all over the globe, showcasing the concept of their institution.
The outstanding results, the exemplary performance of the pupils in competitions at National and International level in various disciplines speaks of the quality education provided by the schools. They are recognized as schools with a difference at national and international level.
Inspiration and Actuation
Albert Shwedzer
Albert Shwedzer was a doctor by profession and had a love for music. He believed that humanity had no boundaries and created a sense of oneness in human beings through his acts of service.Once on his visit to South Africa, he was shaken by the plight of poor and old patients there. He toured different countries and accumulated money through music concerts. With that money he migrated to South Africa and dedicated his life in the service of poor patients.
Managa devi read about albert shwedzer when she was a student and was inspired by his deeds.
Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa visited Guntur to inaugurate a division of "Nirmal Hridaya Bhavan"Â. Manga devi was introduced to her as a dedicated and ideal person administering a good educational institution. Mother Theresa complemented her deeds and asked her about what she had been doing for orphans and the needy poor.
This question struck Manga Devi's conscience strongly and implanted the urge to do something for the good of the needy and the society.
Shwedzer's life has planted the ideology of selfless service and interaction with mother Theresa has fanned that ideology and actuated the establishment of chetana.
The success of the two full fledged institutions, the providential meet with Mother Teresa, dedication of colleagues, support of the beloved students gave our founders the confidence to take up service to the needy as a prime time activity. Thus in 1998, Chetana (a public charitable trust) was born to develop and sustain a multipurpose rural project offering:
- Security to child
- Guidance to the young
- Solace to the old
Brodipet School is the grand mother, syamala nagar school the mother and chetana the child in the organisation.
Wheels being a symbol of progress, chetana master plan is a cart taking all those involved in the direction of progress.
Running schools is easier compared to establishing and running an organisation with a motive to do good to the society and stand by the needy as it requires a lot of financial strength to both establish as well sustain such an activity.
Chetana was started with the idea that for doing something good we need not depend on any one. The idea was to start small without having to look for help and keep doing whatever we can one by one. Till date, no government help has been solicited or taken for any of the activities at Chetana.
Our founders believed that if what we have taken up is good and if we do things with dedication, others will join in and we will not have to worry about the need for money. Their belief did turn out to be appropriate. Many who are inspired by the activities of chetana have voluntarily come forward to contribute in various ways and thereby stand by chetana.
With the help from many and based on the availability of resources and the possibility of execution, one by one various activities have been started at different points of time.
- Rural School for Child Labourers (NANDANA)
- School on Wheels - Bus going from place to place
- Vocational Training Centre for youth (Krushi)
- Toy Library
- Home for senior citizens (Sandhyraga)
- Home for destitute women (Raksha)
- Family Counselling centre (Jeevanarekha)
- Residential English Medium School (Ushodaya)
- Family Counselling centre (Jeevanarekha)
- Nature care Centre - Alternate Medication as complementary to Alopathy (Sadhya)
- Institute of Fine Arts fostering our traditions and cultural Heritage (Srujana)
- College of Education
- Anganwadi Workers Training Centres for Women Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.