founder founder

Ways to support us

There are different kinds of activities that are carried on at Chetana which vary in magnitude both with regards to the work involved as well as resource requirements. We are looking for support in a few of these activities which require deployment of large amount of resources.

The work a good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green. - Thomas Carlyle
Your support for expenses may be to cover
  • for a specific expense or
  • for a specific activity or
  • unspecified

Please scroll down to know about the various activities and expenses that can be supported.

If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.
Your support for expenses may be
  • one time
  • recurring for a specified period
  • recurring eternally

Periodical payments can be made by the donor or contribution can be made to Chetana's Capital Fund.

Goes into the corpus fund deposited in banks, interest on which is only utilised (for the purpose specified, if the contributor so specifies)

How to Sponsor/Donate?

Please send us an intent using the Sponsor/Donate Form, giving us your details and letting us know the amount you wish to contribute. You may also mention the specific expense/activity you wish to contribute for (this can be specified later on also).

Once we receive the submitted information, we will get in touch with you giving you the modes of payment available and the relevant details thereon to enable you to make the intended payment.

If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart. - Arabian Proverb

Sponsor Assets

You may make a substantial contribution (running into a few lakhs of rupees) that would help us acquire assets for existing activities or the ones in the pipeline. Please specify the same in the details that you fill in the Sponsor/Donate Form and we will get in touch to take your intent forward.

For School for Child Laborers

₨ 85000
$ 1200
Provides for a child's education expenses for the complete schooling period.
₨ 15000
($ 260)
Provides education, clothing and mid-day meal to a child for a year.
₨ 12000
($ 220)
Provides mid-day meal for 5 children for a year.
₨ 9000
($ 160)
Provides the services of a secondary teacher for a month.
₨ 7000
($ 125)
Provides the services of a primary teacher for a month.
Provides for purchasing library books, laboratory and computer room equipment and constructing building and other amenities.

For School on Wheels

₨ 15000
$ 250
Provides for the fuel expenses of the bus for a month.
₨ 8000
$ 150
Provides the services of a teacher in the bus for a month.
₨ 6000
$ 125
Provides the services of the bus driver for a month.
₨ 5000
$ 100
Provides the services of the bus conductor for a month.
₨ 4000
$ 80
Provides the services of a helper for a month.
₨ 4000
$ 80
Provides for stationery costs for a month.
Provides for purchasing equipment and other amenities.